Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Recovery Days 3 & 4

I'm running low on pain medicine, so I've cut back to one pill every 5 hours (down from two pills every 4 hours). I've noticed several things since my pain is not as masked as it was.

  1. While my legs are sore, they feel more like they are bruised than incised. I'm guessing it is because of the manipulation that the surgeon had to do to ensure my nerves were out of the way when he made the cuts through my fascia. 
  2. My throat hurts more than my legs do. The anesthesiologist mentioned that I might have a sore throat after surgery because of the endotracheal tube he inserted, but I guess I hadn't really noticed how bad it was until I was no longer taking a full dose of pain medicine. It is very hard to eat anything that isn't cold and creamy, so ice cream and yogurt it is.
  3. I've begun to notice areas of my legs and the top of my feet that are completely numb, especially my right leg. The surgeon warned me about this because of the proximity of the superficial peroneal nerve to the superficial posterior compartment. He mentioned that it could be transient numbness or permanent. Time will only tell.
  4. I am more mobile and my walking is less comical than it was. I was even able to stand up long enough to take a shower.
All and all, things are moving along. I'm sleeping better than I was and cutting down on the pain medicine has also decreased my nausea. For photos, see My Progress page.

1 comment:

  1. I know this blog is a little old but it's worth a shot for a conversation. I am 3 days post op from 4 compartment Fasciotomy. My reasons for a fasciotomy is because i had a hernia in my anterior tib muscle and swelling above my ankle! I'm just curious! But did you have a lot of pain on the sole of your foot after surgery? It seems from reading other forums I'm having the usually incision pain and other surgical pain. But I can't find where people are having foot pain on the sole of their foot.
    Hopefully your are in complete recovery.
