Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My First Post-Surgery Follow-Up

For my first adventure outside of the house in more than a week, I visited the surgeon's office for my post-surgery follow-up appointment. Surprisingly, unlike usual, we weren't kept waiting. Even the surgeon himself took time out of his busy schedule to visit me and actually take the stitches out of my incisions himself. It stung a couple of times, but when he washed them off, my face contorted into cringed mess. My husband said he should have taken a picture of my face for the blog. I wasn't entirely amused at the time. Anyway, the surgeon was satisfied with the incisions and the minor amount of swelling he noticed in my legs. He was confident that my numbness was caused by my swelling and not any nerve damage. For photos see My Progress page.

He wants to continue to keep my activity level at a bare minimum for at least another week. At that time, I can begin doing up to 20 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike at very low resistance. When I see him again in another 3 weeks, he'll let me know if I can graduate to weight bearing exercise like walking or the elliptical. He reminded me that while the external incisions are small, inside my legs I have 6 incisions running from my ankle to my knee.

The short outing completely wiped me out.


  1. Well at least you are healing. I am very glad to know that the Dr. seems to think the numbness is from the swelling... which does make sense. I love you and continue to listen to the Dr's orders. LOL

  2. I have been keeping up with your blog and I did figure out how to watch your friend even before your dad told me how. She has a really pretty voice. I hope she does well on the show. Keep up the good progress on your recovery. I check the blog every day to see if there is any new news. I just figured out how to post a comment. You understand how I am slow in computer literacy. We love you. Claudia PS I am going to have to ask Michael how to send this. Has the numbness lessened as the swelling has gone down?
